Counterfeit Design

For this project, we were asked to find an advertisement or poster to replicate and change the meaning of.

Chosen Target:


My target audience are people who are more conscious of how fast food is typically highly processed and contains a lot of added sugar and fat while providing little nutritional value. This audience will find humor in a Burger King poster that actually states this idea. Fast food companies hide this truth about their food from consumers and a lot of people are subject to poor health as a consequence. My idea is to play on the “Save on your faves” text to incorporate a pun about high cholesterol and medical bills as a consequence of eating fast food.  This will be done to bring to light the truth about what consuming the food actually does to your body. I also plan to modify “save $ on your favorite products, also on the BK APP or” to be something that incorporates other sources like help centers and weight loss programs. The intention of this part will be to provide further humor about sources to help individuals subject to poor health as a consequence of high fat diets. Both of these modifications are intended to make fun of Burger King for the underlying effect of eating a lot of fast food. Overall, my message is subversive because it undermines the typical message Burger King spews to its customers. While Burger King is trying to be a fast, convenient, and tasty food option, I am trying to sabotage that message to bring forth what most people know about fast food but choose to neglect.  

Executed Design:

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